Carmel Temple first opened it’s doors in 1970 with a very clear mission: to provide a welcoming environment, where enlightenment, healing, and especially love, would be brought to many. Carmel Temple is a loving place made available for all seekers of the Light.
To date, our purpose continues to fulfill that mission.
- To Provide: A safe, loving environment for people of all faiths to meet, to learn and to share the principles of truth that set us free.
- To Create: A place in consciousness where we realize our possibilities under Divine love.
- To Build: A focal point from which spiritual philosophies and information are spread to the world.
- To Bring Forth: A new world dedicated to harmony, peace, brotherhood, fellowship and unconditional love for all mankind.
- To Transform: Our planet into a heaven on earth.
- To Nurture: Communication between all dimensions.
- To Awaken: The God consciousness in all humanity.
- To Affirm: That which serves the highest and best good for all.